




Colloque « Belgium: The State of the Federation »

La quatrième édition du colloque « Belgium: The State of the Federation » se tiendra le vendredi 18 décembre 2015, à Liège.

L’organisation de ce colloque est une initiative conjointe des deux associations belges de science politique : Vereniging voor politieke wetenschappen (VPW) et Association belge francophone de science politique (ABSP). Après la VUB en 2011 et 2014 et l’UCL en 2013 et, vu le succès, les deux associations ont souhaité poursuivre cette collaboration en décembre 2015, cette fois à l’ULg.

Programme du colloque

Inscription obligatoire pour le 10 décembre 2015 au plus tard



9:00-9:15: Registration and coffee

9:15-11:00 – Panels session I

Voting behaviour I (Séminaire 10, floor 0), Chair: Ferdinand Teuber (UCL)

Lesschaeve. Finding inequality in an unlikely place differences in collective congruence between social groups in Belgium.

-Flacco & Reimink. Love the person, or just enjoying the party? Orientations of Belgian voters to candidates and parties.

Wauters & Devroe. The effect of compulsory voting on women’s representation: an analysis on Belgian voters.

-Vanhauwaert & Baudewyns. Political behaviour in Europe –A longitudinal analysis of issue positions’ dimensionality and directionality.

Voting behaviour II (Séminaire 12, floor 0), Chair: Sofie Marien (KUL)

-Schrobiltgen. Transethnic votes in Belgium.

-Verthé, Beyens, Bol & Blais. Making Votes Count in Parliament or Government?

Willocq. Partisan dealignment, political dissatisfaction and instability in voters’ préférences. A study on electoral volatility, split-ticket voting and timing of the voting decision in the 2014 Belgian federal, regional and European élections. 

-Perrez, Reuchamps & Dodeigne. Shaping citizens’ perceptions and preferences of federalism: the impact of the Tetris metaphor in Belgium

11:00-11:15 – Coffee Break

11:15-12:45 – Panels session II

Elites I (Séminaire 10, floor 0), Chair: Kris Deschouwer (VUB)

-Cogels, Jacquet, Reuchamps & Schiffino. Democracy through the eyes of the Belgian political elites.

-Dejaeghere, Cogels & Walgrave. « He who knows the voter will win a hundred electoral battles » . MP’s knowledge of voters’ issues positions and the quality of representation.

-Dodeigne & Meulewater. Popular candidates and/or party soldiers? Vote-seeking and policy-seeking parties’ strategies in party candidate selection at the 2014 Belgian regional and federal élections.

Public Policies (Séminaire 12, floor 0), Chair: Audrey Vandeleene (UCL)

-Ficet. The State of State Reform in Belgium. The Modernization of Justice Between New Public Management and Territorial Controversies.

-Nossent. Studying ‘décret mémoire’ of the French Community of Belgium.

Culpi. Europeanization of Belgian Immigration Policy in the field of asylum.

12:45-14:00 – Lunch (« Faculty Club », floor 0)

14:00-15:30 – Panels session III

Federalism/Multilevel (Séminaire 10, floor 0), Chair: Min Reuchamps (UCL)

-Dandoy. Territorial Reforms, Party Competition and Party Preferences on Decentralisation in Belgium.

Deschouwer, De Winter, Dodeigne, Reuchamps & Sinardet. The adventures of the « Moreno question’ in Belgium: methodological reflection

-Thijssen & Sinardet. Federalism and Solidarity in Belgium 2007-2014.

Political Parties (Séminaire 12, floor 0), Chair: Pierre Delvenne (F.R.S.-FNRS-ULg)

-Campbell & Erzeel. Party Polarization and the Gender Gap in Left-Right Voting.

-Macq & Jacquet. Internet and Cyber Party Membership: the Case of the Belgian Pirate Party.

-Pauwels & van Haute. The party organization of a populist radical right party: The VB.

15:30-15:45 – Coffee break

15:45-17:15 – Panels session III

Elites II (Séminaire 10, floor 0), Chair: Catherine Fallon (ULg)

Bouteca, Devos, Maddens, Smulders & Wauters. « A fair day’s wage for a fair day’s work? » Exploring the connection between the parliamentary work of MP’s and their electoral support.

Dodeigne, Vandeleene & DeWinter. Belgian Candidates’ Multilevel Career Preferences at the 2014 ‘Mother of all Selections’.

Jadot  &Willocq. Mirror Mirror Tell Me Who is the Most Popular.

17:15 – Cocktail (« Faculty Club », floor 0)